
カナダ人でエジプト駐在のブロガー、マリアン・ガッバー二は、「エジプトの女たちを甘く見るな (Don’t Mess With Egyptian Women)」と題される新しい記事をブログに公開した。その記事の中で、彼女が現在滞在している村で起こった、2つの出来事について語っている。


The women of my area have my deep and abiding respect. They care for farms, families and homes in pretty tough conditions but never fail to have a smile, a greeting and to lend a hand to others. They are the steel of their families. While this is a very traditional part of the country and one of strong religious conviction, these women are also very accepting and friendly and have always been a source of laughter and joy for me, a very nontraditional aging Canadian.




One neighbour told me how when buses came to shuttle protesters into Heliopolis for the demonstration at the presidential palace that turned so bloody a couple of weeks ago, quite a few of the mothers around me informed their sons that if anyone wanted to take the bus into town, they were welcome to do so but not to bother to come back.



So apparently a group of Takfir wal Higra (Excommunication and Exodus) moved into our area to help our local population behave in a more “proper” manner. They were seen walking along the roads in their short galabeyas (traditional dress) and had taken a mosque for preaching and an office in Abu Sir for organising. A week or so ago, eight of the men went into the main souq of Abu Sir and as they were entering noticed one woman sitting by her produce with a little bit of leg showing from her galabeya. Very rudely kicking at her leg, they told her to cover up and be decent. This was a monumental mistake. As it happened, this woman was the head woman for the souq and a member of a very populous clan in the area that number in the thousands. She and the other women in the market attacked the eight men and beat them so severely that they had to go to the hospital. When the men tried to file a report with the police about the attack, the police refused to take the report, saying that they weren't going against these women as well…were the men crazy? So now the youth of Abu Sir are using the office as a tea room and the mosque is no longer being used for their fundamentalist sermons and no one has seen the Takfir group for some time.

Takfir wal Higra [en](破門と退去)と呼ばれるグループが地元民がもっと「ふさわしく」行動できるよう、指導するため、地域に引っ越してきたそうだ。彼らは短いガラビア(伝統衣装)を着て道を歩き、伝道のためにモスクを占領し、運動の企画をするためにオフィスをアブシールに構えた。1週間ほど前、8人の男たちがアブシールのメイン・スークへ行ったときのことだ。彼らは一人の女性が道に座り、商品を売っているのを見た。その女性の足が少しガラビアから出ているのを男たちは見て、彼らは彼女の足を蹴り、彼女に足を隠して、礼儀正しくしろと命じた。この女性はスークの頭であり、この地域でも何千人に及ぶ一族のうちの一人だったからだ。彼女、そして、ちょうどマーケットに居合わせたそのほかの女性たちは、その8人の男たちを叩きのめし、それによって、男たちは病院に行かなければいけないほどであった。8人の男たちはこの事件を警察に届けようとしたが、警察は女たちに逆らうことなど到底できない…おまえ達は正気なのか??と言い、それを拒否した。結果、男たちが作った事務所は現在、アブシールの若者達のティールームとして使われており、モスクでは、もう、原理主義者による説教が行われることはない。Takfirの男たちの姿もしばらく誰も見かけていないとのことだ。



If anyone is wondering who to support to get rid of Islamists in Egypt, here is your answer. The women of Egypt are some of the strongest women I've ever seen.


校正: Kanako Hasegawa


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